Learning the U.S. Flag

Learning the U.S. Flag

*Sara Capitol Day 2010

*Sara Capitol Day 2010

Friday, August 28, 2009


"Her Children Arise Up And Call Her Blessed." ~Proverbs 31:28~

In my heart...I long for this. Living by the convictions of my heart, hearing the Lord speak.

Today, the weather is so...beautiful and COOL for once in a long time it is not 100 degrees and I enjoy watching the kids run and play outside at our new place, at more peace than I have been in a very long time with where we live and wondering where the Lord will take us next in our family Journey.

As you all know, both Steve and I long for more little ones and every day I grow in heart of the possibility we may not ever conceive again. Our walk of repentance (The final decision, the learning of God's word and his plan for having children and the reversal) has brought me to a sureness that whether we have more little ones or not, God is ALWAYS on the throne and I will still serve him with my whole heart. For seven years now, Steve and I are sick at the thought that we did not understand God's blessing of children and how he gave us this ability, we cut this off and when we cut off God there are consequences and suffering yet, he is a merciful and loving God and loves us so much! Steve and I promised by having this reversal that it was a step of repentance NOT to get "Our Way" and opened our hearts to what the Lord has for us.
Whether we bare more babies or adopt a baby we are content with the five wonderful blessings whom YES! Have tar in them, stubborness, rebellion at times but, I am thankful to raise and rear them as mine!

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